How Long Do Neon Signs Last? Guide to Longevity

Do you know that neon signs have been around for a long time and are still one of the most reliable lighting types? For as long as it's well-designed, the system can survive more than a decade. Neon Partys has been creating customized, high-quality neon signs and lights for a broad range of applications in the United Kingdom for the past few years. They can help you give your company a fresh, new appearance.

In the absence of power, the welcome neon sign is just silicone tubes that emit a bright glow. Neon lighting has long been regarded as an art form, but it is also one of the most energy-efficient types of illumination. In addition, the bulbs are available in a variety of colors, sizes, and shapes. Well-built neon light and sign will surely survive anywhere from 10 to 15 years if it is constructed properly.

To understand the lifespan of personalized neon lights and signs, you need to understand some factors that affect the lifespan of these products.

personalized neon lights


Both the transformer's lifespan and the tube's color coating and as' lifetime determine the neon sign's lifespan.

  • A Transformer's Adventure

Transformers typically last between eight and fifteen years, depending on how often a sign is used. Some signs might survive longer if they are kept indoors and away from heat.

  • Function

The length of life of blinking signs is less than that of outdoor signs that are subject to surges or intermittent electrical supply.

  • Life on the Tube

Although they may survive for decades in the appropriate conditions, the signs' light tubes typically last 8 to 15 years. According to the amount of use and the brightness of the sign, coatings can endure for up to 10 years.

  • Repair

So, if you decide to invest the money to mend your sign and repair the tubing, add fresh gas and replace the transformers, your sign will be more likely to last for many years.

How Neon Open Sign UK From Neon Partys Last Longer?

Neon Partys is one of the best neon sign or lights designers in the UK. If you want to customize your sign for your business, you just contact our professionals. You may wonder why you need to choose us. Well, here your wait is over because below are some points that surely clear all your doubts.

  • Considering the environment

It's no longer a guilty pleasure. Due to their extended lifespan and low energy use, neon lights produce less carbon dioxide. Because of its common power usage, this is also a benefit to you.

  • More durable than the rest

These silicone neon signs last for a long time! Having made that purchase, there will be no need to make another one in the near future. It's rare that you need to buy another neon sign. After a few years of proper care, a neon sign may easily survive for 10 to twelve.

  • Highly Qualified Project Managers and Production Staff with Years of Experience

The key to our longevity has the right people in the appropriate locations. It's important for us that the people we hire have a love for signs and are proud of their work and the customers for whom they do it. It's a winning combination when you combine it with the energy and passion of our young and talented team members.

led neon lights
  • Easy Shipping

Most of the Orders are eligible for free shipping, and orders that have higher amounts may charge you shipping costs, but almost free shipping as well. In the event that something goes wrong with our packing approach, we will replace your personalized neon house or business sign.

  • Best Quality

Despite the fact that we offer bespoke neon signs at a reasonable price, we will never compromise on quality. For your neon signs, we only use the best raw materials to ensure their long-lasting life and brilliance.

Yes, here at Neon Party, you will surely get quality led neon lights and signs, so don't waste your time here and there; simply pick your smartphone and order your desired product.

Whether you're planning a birthday party, a wedding, or a corporate event, Neon Party UK believes all gatherings should be special. That's why we offer neon signs in Sheffieldneon signs in Birminghamcustom neon signs in Bristolcustom neon signs in Liverpoolcustom neon signs in London, and custom neon signs in Manchester. Your unique event sign will be created by our talented team of designers.